• published on 10/22/2024
  • 4min

The rise of flexible working: why more people are working from anywhere

Working from anywhere (WFA) has seen a huge increase in workplaces in recent years, with the trend set to grow at a rapid rate, with the World Economic Forum predicting that the number of global digital jobs will increase by 25% and reach a huge 90 million by the year 2030. [1]

The rise of flexible working: why more people are working from anywhere

Table of contents

1. What does work from anywhere mean?

2. Why working from anywhere is here to stay

3. Benefits of working from anywhere for employees

4. How to make working from anywhere work for you

5. How will the rise in working from anywhere change the way we work?

In this blog, we take a look at this trend in more detail, including its benefits, why it’s here to stay, and what the future of flexible working looks like.

What does work from anywhere mean?

Working from anywhere enables employees to complete their role from any location around the world if agreed with their employer. This provides flexibility and freedom to decide where they work, sometimes in another country, rather than being limited to one place.

This practice has seen a huge rise in recent years due to technological advancements and changes in working patterns as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

While it has many benefits, working from anywhere can leave employees reliant on having the right equipment and a good internet connection, something which isn’t likely to be a problem in an office environment.

Why working from anywhere is here to stay

In recent years, there has been a distinct shift towards more flexible working arrangements, with workplace models evolving to meet the needs of an increasingly globally mobile workforce.

Here are some of the top reasons companies are choosing to implement working from anywhere practices and why this trend is here to remain.

  • Access to a global talent pool: it presents businesses with an opportunity to diversify their talent to include people from across the world, which can broaden the skillset and experience of their workforce.

  • Higher level of employee retention: research published by Payscale in 2023 found that employees who are unable to work remotely had a 14% higher likelihood of leaving their roles than those who were able to work remotely.[2]It can provide employees with a good work-life balance and favourable working conditions, giving them the freedom to choose their own schedule and avoid commuting.

  • The pace of technological change: the rapid rate of technological innovations has meant that working from anywhere has never been easier. Employees can communicate with colleagues efficiently with the large volume of tools on offer, which can make virtual collaboration easy and straightforward.

Benefits of working from anywhere for employees

The rise in working from anywhere offers many benefits to employees, opening them up to a system of working that isn’t restricted to one physical location. They can decide where they work, customise the work location to suit their individual preferences, and perform duties somewhere they feel comfortable.

One of its biggest benefits is that it enables employees to travel while working, often termed a “workation”. Once they have finished for the day, they can experience beautiful surroundings and immerse themselves in the culture of the host country, without having to take any holiday leave.

This high level of autonomy can leave workers feeling energised and more productive during working hours, as well as increase their level of job satisfaction.

We’ve put together a handy blog with some tips on how those interested in this way of working can find the right accommodation for when travelling.

How employees can make the most of working from anywhere

While working from anywhere has many benefits, it can be a huge adjustment if employees are used to working in a physical office, but there are steps they can take to feel more settled.

Wherever they setup, employees should have a tidy working space to keep organised and productive. They can also try ensuring this area is separate from their relax space, as this reduces distractions and makes it easier to switch off at the end of the day. Also, small things like getting dressed and maintaining normal working hours can give workers a sense of routine.

There are a multitude of online tools that could be utilised to help employees feel connected with colleagues. They can stay in touch by having regular virtual meetings to discuss progress of projects or talk about new ideas. These don’t always have to be work-related, however; team building or lunch and learn session can make catch-ups more fun and help develop strong relationships amongst the team.

How will the rise in working from anywhere change the way we work?

As flexible working becomes a normal part of professional life, it will continue to evolve and change the way companies operate. Discover below some of our predictions for the way that it could influence the future of work:

  • Adoption of advanced technology: innovative digital solutions will play a larger role in the workplace, with businesses subsequently investing more in this. It will help employees communicate effectively with their colleagues and improve efficiency in operations.

  • Increase in personalised benefits packages: employees will want to see benefits that are customisable to their lifestyle, which could result in the creation of established policies for practices including working from anywhere, flexitime or compressed working schedules.

  • Rise of geographic flexibility: as companies have access to international talent pools, there could be a significant growth in the globally mobile workforce. This way of of working provides employees with independence and enjoy a "workation".

  • Change in workplace design: it could mean a reduction of large offices as more people spend time working away from these spaces and lead to an increase in hot desking and co-working environments.