FAQ: Termination

FAQ: Termination

Table of contents

  1. How do I terminate my temporary insurance agreement?

  2. How do I terminate my tacit-renewal insurance agreement?

  3. Can I terminate my contract before the end of my policy year (APRIL ASIA members only)?

1. How do I terminate my temporary insurance agreement?

You can terminate your temporary insurance agreement if you return permanently to your country of nationality after the first 3 months of cover.

To submit your request, please send an email to adhesiontemporaire.expat@april-international.com with a copy of your return ticket and other proof that your return is definitive. For example:

  • Copy of a lease or proof of accommodation in your country of nationality

  • Registration with the unemployment insurance agency of your country of origin

  • Employment contract in your country of nationality

  • Enrolment in a school indicating your place of studies

Note for APRIL ASIA members: not applicable.

2. How do I terminate my tacit-renewal insurance agreement?

To terminate your tacit-renewal insurance agreement, please make an appointment online with our dedicated team. To do this:

For a permanent return to your country of nationality (and only in this case) please send us your cancellation request directly, along with your proof of return, by email to care@april-international.com, or by registered mail to:

APRIL International Care France
Service Courrier
1 Rue Du Mont – CS 80010
81700 Blan

The termination will be effective one month after receipt of your cancellation request.

Note for APRIL ASIA members:

Each country has different procedures regarding the cancellation of a contract. To find out more information about terminating your contract, please refer to your Terms & Conditions.

3. Can I terminate my contract before the end of my policy year (APRIL ASIA members only)?

In some countries, there is a period of time after you receive your insurance policy during which you can review it, ask any questions, and return the policy to us for a full refund of any premium paid. This is commonly referred to as the "free look period." However, this only applies if you haven't made any claims on the policy yet. If you choose to return the policy during this period, it will be considered void from the date it became effective.

The free look period for different countries varies:

  • Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, UAE and Vietnam: 30 days

  • Philippines: 5 calendar days

It's important to note that once you sign your policy, you cannot terminate it before the end of the policy year. Additionally, no refunds will be provided for any unused portion of your policy if you cancel mid-term.