• published on 2/11/2022
  • 4min

Working Holiday Programme (WHP) in Hong Kong

Would you like to find out what living in Hong Kong is like? Young citizens of eight different countries may spend up to a year in Hong Kong, under the Working Holiday Programme (WHP). Climb Victoria Peak, visit Lantau Island and take up short-term employment: you can do all of this with a Working Holiday Visa (WHV)!

Working Holiday Programme (WHP) in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Working Holiday Visa requirements

To get a Working Holiday Visa for Hong Kong you must:

  • be aged between 18 and 30 on the day you apply to join the WHP,

  • be a citizen of a country which has signed a bilateral reciprocal agreement with Hong Kong,

  • hold a valid passport,

  • not be travelling with any dependents,

  • hold a return ticket or proof of sufficient funds to purchase one,

  • have sufficient funds to cover expenses at the beginning of the stay in Hong Kong,

  • have health and personal liability insurance for the duration of the stay.

The Working Holiday Visa is valid for up to 12 months and is not renewable. Visa holders cannot work for the same employer for more than 3 months. WHV holders may study or take part in 3 to 6 months training courses (depending on the country they are from).

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Applying for a Working Holiday Visa for Hong Kong

Hong Hong sets annual quotas for each country participating in the Working Holiday Programme. Quotas are very different from one country to another: many WHVs are delivered every year to Australians whereas only a small amount of citizens of Ireland or Germany can take part in the programme.

To apply for a WHV, you need to:

  • complete the ID(E)940 form,

  • enclose all supporting documents (ID picture, copy of the identification pages of your passport, copy of your air ticket, proof of sufficient funds, payment of visa fee) in the application,

  • mail your request to the Hong Kong Immigration Department or to the Chinese diplomatic and consular mission in your country.

Average WHV application processing time is of about 2 weeks. If your visa request is approved, you will receive your visa in the mail it will be available in the Chinese diplomatic and consular mission in your country.

To find out more about WHVs for Hong Kong:

Detailed procedures are available on the Hong Kong immigration department website.