• published on 4/26/2023
  • 3min

7 ways to improve mental well-being in the workplace

A work environment can have a profound impact on any employee’s mental and emotional well-being, affecting everything from their productivity and job satisfaction to their overall quality of life.

7 ways to improve mental well-being in the workplace

Unfortunately, many workplaces can be breeding grounds for stress, anxiety, and burnout, with long hours, tight deadlines, and toxic cultures—all contributing to a sense of overwhelm and exhaustion.

According to the 2021 Mental Health at Work Report by Mind Share Partners, the number of employees reporting mental health concerns has dramatically increased in the past two years. From 59% in 2019, it skyrocketed to a staggering 76%, highlighting the urgent need for employers to prioritise mental health in the workplace.

In this blog post, we'll delve deeper into the ways in which employers can promote mental well-being and resilience that are particularly relevant to employees and expats facing the challenges of working abroad.

Address the workplace triggers

Workplace triggers are factors that can cause stress and anxiety for employees, leading to burnout, decreased productivity, and mental health issues.

To address this, it's important for employers to identify the specific stressors that are affecting their employees. These stressors can be excessive workload, unrealistic deadlines, poor communication, lack of support from colleagues or management, and a lack of work-life balance.

Provide access to mental health resources

Offering access to mental health resources such as counselling, therapy, and support groups can have a significant impact on employee mental well-being.

Employers can partner with mental health professionals or provide employees with access to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which can support a range of personal and work-related issues, like stress management and financial management.

At APRIL, our EAP includes online consultations with psychologists, health talks, a 24/7 teleconsultation service, and much more.  

Find out more about our corporate solutions.

Encourage physical activity

Employers have a role to play in promoting physical activity among their employees to help reduce stress, boost mood, and improve overall mental health.

By offering gym memberships or organising fitness classes, employers can provide convenient and accessible opportunities for employees to get active. Encouraging employees to take walking breaks throughout the day can also be an effective way to increase physical activity levels.

Offer flexible schedules

Employees who have more control over their schedules are often more productive, engaged, and motivated. This is because they can better manage their workloads and personal responsibilities, which can lead to reduced stress levels and improved work-life balance.

Flexible work schedules can take many forms. For example, flexible start and end times allow employees to adjust their work schedules to accommodate personal needs, such as childcare or transportation arrangements. Compressed workweeks allow employees to work longer hours on some days and have shorter workdays on others, allowing them to have more time for personal pursuits. Telecommuting options allow employees to work from home, reducing the time and expense associated with commuting.

Create a positive work environment

One way to create a positive work environment is by encouraging open communication. This can include regular team meetings or one-on-one conversations with managers. By creating a safe space for employees to share their thoughts and ideas, employers can cultivate a sense of trust and collaboration to improve communication and build stronger working relationships.

Employers can also promote diversity and inclusivity by providing training and education on topics like unconscious bias and cultural sensitivity to ensure all employees are treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their background or identity.

Provide opportunities for personal growth

Training and development programs can help employees build new skills, expand their knowledge base, and stay up-to-date with industry trends. These programs can also help employees improve their performance and take on new responsibilities within the company.

Mentorship programs can provide employees with guidance, support, and advice from more experienced colleagues. This can be especially valuable for employees who are new to the industry or looking to advance their careers.

Supporting employees in pursuing their personal or professional goals shows that employers are invested in their success, both within and outside of the workplace.

Organise teambuilding activities

Employers can organise team outings, such as bowling nights, escape rooms, or company picnics, to provide employees with an opportunity to socialise and bond outside of the office. These activities allow them to get to know each other on a personal level, which can lead to stronger working relationships.

Volunteer opportunities, like beach cleanups and food drives, are another way to build camaraderie among employees while giving back to the community.


Prioritising the mental health of employees and making it a cornerstone of workplace culture is essential for employers seeking to maximise productivity and promote a thriving workforce. A workforce that is both happy and healthy is one that is most likely to achieve its full potential.