Health Insurance in Mauritius

Health Insurance in Mauritius

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  • Flexible coverage

  • 100% digital insurance

The demands of the many tourists who visit Mauritius every year have contributed to the progress of the country's health system, which is now relatively developed. So much so that it is now one of the world's leading destinations for medical tourism! Its private health facilities are, however, rather expensive compared to the local standard of living, and some complex treatments sometimes require crossing the Indian Ocean to neighbouring Reunion.

Health insurance for expats in Mauritius

The health insurance system in Mauritius

Healthcare is free for all nationals and residents of Mauritius, as long as it is provided in the country's public facilities. As a result, these centres are often saturated by demand, and sometimes unequally equipped from one region of the island to another. 

This is why a large proportion of the population prefers to turn to the private health sector, the cost of which is, however, entirely at their expense. With an excellent international reputation, and attracting foreign patients from surrounding countries, they guarantee better hotel comfort and often faster treatment.

How to choose health insurance in Mauritius: local or international?

In this context, both nationals and foreign residents often take out additional health insurance to cover their care in the private sector. The local offer operates either on the basis of reimbursement of the costs incurred or on the basis of third-party payment in the case of care provided in the network of establishments affiliated to each insurer. 

In comparison, international health insurance plans offer certain advantages: the possibility of choosing the healthcare facility, of benefiting from third-party payment in the event of hospitalisation, but also of services specifically dedicated to expats.

For example, a telemedicine service can allow expats to obtain a diagnosis or a second medical opinion from a professional who speaks their preferred language. They can even benefit from medical transfers to another country if they can't get the treatment they need locally. This can be vital when there's a need for complex or highly specialised care.

The cost of healthcare in Mauritius

Medical consultations and hospitalisation with "MyHealth International"

Examples of reimbursements with MyHealth International COMFORT in relation to the cost of care in Mauritius in the private sector*.

  • GP consultation
    • MUR 0.00
    • MUR 2,300.00
  • Specialist consultation
    • MUR 0.00
    • MUR 3,400.00
  • Natural delivery without complications
    • MUR 0.00
    • MUR 40,000.00
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • APRIL International

Care in Mauritius

Choosing hospitals

There are many health facilities in Mauritius. In addition to the 5 regional public hospitals, there are 3 district hospitals and a network of regional and community health centres throughout the island. The network of pharmacies also extends to rural areas.

Private clinics offer technological facilities often more advanced than in the public sector, and cover a wide range of medical specialities. The best known are the Clinique du Nord in Baie du Tombeau, the Fortis Darne clinic in Grand Baie, and Wellkin Fortis in Moka.

If necessary, the Reunion Island's health centres, including the CHU Félix Guyon in Saint-Denis and its southern sites in Saint-Pierre, Saint-Joseph, and Cilaos, have high-performance technical platforms.

Health facilities

Darné Clinique

+230 601 2300

Local call rates apply

Wellkin Hospital

+230 605 1000

Local call rates apply

Northern Clinic

+230 247 2532

Local call rates apply

Emergency numbers in Mauritius

  • 999 Or 112
  • 114
  • 115
    Fire services

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