For Individuals, couples, families and frequent travellers
Flexible solutions for your individual needs and budget
Fully digital
Access to leading medical facilities around the world
24/7 multi-lingual support
At APRIL International, we provide fully digital, flexible international health insurance solutions for your adventure abroad.
Whether you're planning a trip, relocating overseas for a few months, or already enjoying expat life, we've got you covered! Our international health insurance plans are suitable for individuals, couples and families who are living, working or travelling abroad. With our quality solutions, you can get cover for your medical needs for the duration that you require.
Are you currently living abroad, in the process of relocating overseas, or a frequent traveller? If so, safeguarding your health in your new home or while travelling might be important to you.
Receiving medical treatment abroad may be quite different from what you're used to in your home country. This process can become even more overwhelming when factors such as treatment costs, access to healthcare and choice of medical facility are taken into consideration.
To protect the medical needs of you and your loved ones, you could consider international health insurance cover. This offers multiple benefits, including fast access to diagnosis and eligible treatment and high-value cover for cancer and mental health conditions, giving you peace of mind that your health is protected while you're overseas.¹
Our plans also provide you with plenty of choice over where you're treated and give you access to medical care in numerous countries within your area of cover. This is particularly beneficial for those who travel abroad often!²
¹ Subject to underwriting, pre-existing medical conditions and cover options chosen.
² Our short-term plans will provide limited cover in your home country.